
Finally? Tonight’s the first night in a week there hasn’t been a frost warning. It’s still pretty cool, but leaves are popping out all over, and flowers, and spring. Had PT today. Ow! Muscles really tight above and below knee. Therapist massaged them which really, really hurt, then I did some stretches, which I am to do twice daily at home as well. Doing really well, it seems, so I am happy. I don’t get outside every single day. Been having insomnia again and only two percocets help with that, and when I run out? But being awake all night and sleeping a couple hours in the morning does not make for going-out mood. I’m usually draggy and in pain if I don’t sleep. Went to brunch after PT, then home for Traci who showed up just as I was getting my mail. Great timing. So it seems to be going fine, and I am pretty pleased. And spring. I like spring.

An Interesting (To Me, Anyway) Side Note

I couldn’t eat much for a few weeks after the surgery. Not hungry, got full fast. And I ate nothing made with flour, just because I was going for fruit and such. Then a week or so ago, I went shopping and got some crackers and bagel chips and even bread, and I’ve noticed that since I started eating these things, I am not feeling as well. More foggy and digestion not working as well, and less energy over all. Going to avoid the flour things again when these are gone, just to see how it goes. Experiments. It’s a good thing.

More Things To Deal With

Went for my Physical Therapy eval this afternoon, and it seems I might have a blood clot, so off to the hospital later for an ultrasound. Could just be a muscle thing, though, and I’m really hoping for that. This PT guy said I am doing very well. All thanks to Lou, my great in-home PT guy. I miss him. I am so lucky to have my friend Tess, who when they said I have to be at the hospital at 8:30 tonight, was like, “Fine. Whatever you need to do.” I can never repay her for all the help she’s been to me. She is a truly good person and great friend.

It’s My Birthday

Was a good day. Got an ecard from my friend Beth, a birthday text from my Traci, phone calls from my kids, along with an edible fruit arrangement from one of them, and ‘mug rugs’ handmade by my friend Tess, who also brought our traditional tiny cake from Shaw’s, and we went for a long and lovely ride just enjoying the gorgeous day. Earlier, I walked to the Post Office to mail a letter, because I can do stairs now, and there are stairs going into the Post Office. I also sat on the bench for awhile enjoying the day. It was a good day.
Mug RugsIMG_20160420_211739


I am struggling with so much being alone again. I find myself not wanting to get up in the morning, because the earlier I’m up, the longer the day of being alone is. I know going outside helps, but I’m tired and unenthusiastic and wind up watching cooking shows and reading to fill the time. I really need to work on this. I seem to be having some knee pain, too, after I thought I should be getting better. Need to call the surgeon’s office tomorrow to set up pt, and will mention it. If I can get through. Friday, I just kept getting a busy signal.
It was a lovely warm day, and I couldn’t muster enough energy to open the windows. I am a sad case. 🙂
Things I wanted to do today:
take a shower
go outside
cook two dishes I bought ingredients for
run dishwasher
Things I’ve done today (and it’s 5pm):
0 Yes, zero. Absolutely none of the above.

Better Today

Inhaler is helping, I actually dis things today. Loaded the dishwasher, washed some fruit and cut it up, sorted laundry. I went out for a short walk and sat on the bench for awhile. I still can’t walk more than a few feet without feeling like I’ve run a marathon, but overall, better. Going to make tortellini soup for dinner: broth, package of fresh cut-up cauli, broccoli, carrots and asparagus, and chicken prosciutto tortellini, my favorite thing. Easy dinner, and leftovers for probably two more meals. Yum.


All of my services have ended, even my lovely PT guy. I’ve been having an asthma attack for nearly two weeks, and saw an allergist yesterday, who prescribed a new inhaler, one with a ‘black box’ warning…may cause death. Oh, joy. But not breathing well is not good. Get very tired very quickly and it inhibited my progress from the surgery quite a bit. But overall, doing pretty well. Am trying to get outside every day, unless it’s raining or I just don’t have the energy to move that much. Been shopping, a few doctor appointments, more activity that I’ve been used to for quite some time. Enjoying it, even if it does involve pain and exhaustion. Need to call the surgeon’s office and set up pt there next. Harder, because transportation is always an issue, but hopefully it will be helpful So glad this all happened now, I don’t think I’d do so well if it was cold and short days and all. Sunshine is really good, getting outside is really good as well. Still nervous about having another panic attack, but I’ve been off oxycontin for two weeks and nothing, so hopefully I am done with that. Also, not looking forward to so much alone time again. I was used to it, but realized that to get by, I shut down a lot, and that’s never a good thing. So looking forward to more good things. Hope everyone is doing well out in blog land.