From the NYTIMES:

With Federal Aid on the Table, Utilities Shift to Embrace Climate Goals

As billions in government subsidies were at stake, the electric utility industry shed its opposition to clean-air regulation and put its lobbying muscle behind passing President Biden’s climate bill.

Which proves the point that money is the only thing that matters in this country. An example: I just discovered that my health subsidy plan covers copays, which I have been paying a lot of this year, 50 dollars every time. Those who have charged me are supposed to know this, and the subsidy payment should be automatic, but now I have to call everyone I have paid and tell them this and ask to be reimbursed, which the person I talked to said they may refuse to do. This is doctor’s offices. So my medicare advantage plan seems to be getting double payment if the subsidy is actual paying them, too. I am not irate Not even. I did not go to the recommended physical therapy session because they are a 40 dollar copay each time and come on, people. I am running up my credit card debt at the speed of light.

On the other hand, my new doctor is literally the best doctor I have ever had. She is like a physician/therapist in one person. Yesterday she recommended a book which I think explains how stress and unresolved issues from the past can cause pain in certain areas of the body. Like the left side of my head, which I have had x-rays and cat scans and there is nothing there to cause the pain I have.

I am applying for help paying for phone and internet. The government has a program for that. Go ahead, vote Republican, ruin it for those of us who have working brains and common sense. Anyway, my brain, which was in top form yesterday, cannot cope with the digital paperwork today. Oh, well.

So weird life is weird. In general, my body is not working at all well, but overall, I am feeling better mentally than I have in years. Ta Da. That is all.


There is so much about this day that most of us were unaware of, growing up, and I did a search and came up with some disturbing facts, but right now, I just want to eat my turkey dinner ready-meal from Shaw’s, and enjoy the sunshiny day. There’s a pretty good article on Forbes if you’re interested. Hope it’s a good day for all who celebrate, and not too distressing for the rest of us.


was a good day. I got to go out.

Took an Aleve. First time since before bleed, since was told that might have been a contributing factor. So far all good. Tess put a towel on the car seat, just in case, though. She is so weird. LOL

I will say that nothing went well. NOTHING. First to the bank to replace my card because the chip quit working. Since I don’t have a driver’s license or picture ID that isn’t 20 years old, the bank person had to go through hoops to get me the new card, which took a lot longer than you’d think, but she very kindly was determined to get me a new card. Which works. So thank you bank lady. I have a great bank anyway. It’s a local bank, and is much better and nicer and less expensive for things than the big banks I dealt with in the past. So yay.

Then we went to Joanne’s. Again issues with this, issues with that, everything took ten times as long as needed. But in the end I got a Butterfinger, cause by then I was starving. Also, Joanne’s is ridiculously over-priced, even more than it used to be.

Then we went to Target to return the disaster of a laptop I bought last week. Did not have the right number for the return, but the guy was able to use my credit card to get the refund anyway, so it did work out. By now, I can barely walk even hanging off the shopping cart, but it was fun. Got a couple things I needed there, too, so that was good.

THEN we went to Bed, Bath and Beyond cause the saleswoman at Target said they had much better neck massagers there and I really wanted to get one since my neck and shoulders have been causing me some serious pain since this whole health debacle started in August. Got a new checker, I did warn him it wasn’t going to go well, which it didn’t, but got everything in the end. And I made him laugh, which is always an excellent thing.

Next was stop off at Dunkin’s, cause starving Jean was not going to have enough energy to do any food prep. Got a sourdough breakfast sandwich, which isn’t horrible. Not saying it’s good, rather tasteless, but not horrible (inedible). And no issues there. So home at last, totally exhausted, but happy. Happy Jean is happy. We unboxed the neck thing, which kind of drapes over your shoulders and goes up your neck and is like a heavy-ish really soft vest. It plugs in. Cannot wait to use it.

So good day. Good friend to put up with slow, whiny, miserable, ever-so-slightly insane Jean who was laughing hysterically through a lot of this. I am very lucky in my friends. And Gertrude was happy to see us back and quite enjoyed sniffing every single thing I bought.

Oh, also, in between bright sun here and there, we had a very brief spate of sleet. Little round knobs of snow. It was so cool. No pun intended. LOL Winter!!! It’s a good thing.


Crap. I have been having a very not good time for some time, and I have seen the doctor, the rheumatologist, the neurologist, am having a cat scan and x-rays and I can’t think, I can barely walk some times or stand and anything more than feeding the cat and scooping the litter box and stuffing something in the microwave seems to be beyond me. So I am in a foul, foul mood. Sorry about that.

So there’s a fun article from the New York Times, but you probably need a subscription to read it, so I’ll summarize. 1. We Are Screwed. 2. We Are The Ones Who Screwed Us.

They have been telling us for decades, literal decades what was going to happen if we didn’t change the way we do things, but we decided the current profit mattered more than future survivability for us and more so, for our children. God, I hate humanity.

Sorry. I will be bright and cheery again someday. I hope. Not looking good right now, though.


People, especially people a lot younger than I am, stepped up. They voted for freedom, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, they voted for us. I am so proud and so relieved. I was a bit afraid to check results, but it’s okay. It’s okay. Thanks to each and every person who voted Blue.

This was on Tumblr. No credit I could see. This is why they love the orange disgrace. He gave then permission to hate, hate, hate. Disgusting.


And I didn’t post once in October. I have been really struggling, with an issue in my head and a whole-body pain and exhaustion that is NOT fibromyalgia. Seeing my rheumatologist next week, and a neurologist in a couple of weeks. Hope someone has some answers. I am almost completely incapacitated. I cannot cook, or wash dishes or do much of anything, and walking involves leaning on my cane with both hands. Fun times. Am taking a different antibiotic that is helping with some of the head problem, but the underlying issue seems not to be an infection. Having a cat scan soon, too.

But I am still managing to enjoy life. Messing about on the laptop, watching streaming stuff, and reading, reading, reading. Have read several books in the past couple of weeks and have a ton more on my kindle. I love my kindle. It’s an old keyboard one that has side clickers. Just my stuff. No pictures, and whatever else that crap is on the new kindles. Just a list of my books to click on. Why did they change that? I am dreading when my two keyboard kindles die. I will have to find someone to refurbish them. Newer isn’t always better, Kindle.

Anyway, we seem to be having summer temps again. Weird. Tell me there’s no such thing as climate change. I can see it everyday. Oh, well.

I am really hoping this will be the last time change. What is wrong with just normal time? The morons in charge want DST to last year round. I would rather have more light in the morning. I remember going to school in the dark. No thanks.

Anyway, I am back, I hope, moaning and groaning and whining about the idiocy around me. Please vote them out, readers. Please. They are destroying our country and taking away all our freedoms and supports. We need to change things before it’s too late. While we still CAN vote. Please, do your bit. Thank you.