
I think I am going there.  I seem to need more and more sleep recently.  Days are a lot shorter, and not as bright in general as they had been.  It’s 2:30 and the trees across the street are already mostly in the shadow of my building.  I like winter, but I also like light.  I have my own sun in the form of full spectrum over-head bulbs in my living/dining room, and usually turn them on when I get up, but even then, it’s not enough.  S0 hibernation it is.  Fun times.

See this phone?  It’s in a bowl for a reason.  The reason is right next to it.

Miss G, G2, Gertrude is……OMG what a handful.  She is so cute, but my word, there is not a second while she is awake that I do not have to be on the alert. She is into everything.  Soon she will be big enough to reach things on the wall that are just tantalizations right now, and I’ve really already had to take some things down.  Nothing is safe from her.  I am trying hard to NOT be one of those ‘yell at the cat’ people, but sometimes, I just have to put her in the bathroom so I can have a break.  She is exhausting, and for someone who already has a notable lack energy thanks to fibro/chronic fatigue, I don’t need more exhausting things in my life.  But she really is so cute and cuddly, she’s hard to resist.  Back to the vet Wednesday for her final shots and to discuss spaying.  Supposed to be better for them, but I kind of hate to do it.  Not only because how on earth will I manage her when she’s in a big collar?  More fun ahead.

Been trying not to get too overwrought about all the crap that’s going on in my country, and the world, for that matter.  Avoiding as much as I can, because I have no power over anything or anybody, and getting myself upset is counter-productive.  I need all my energy for other things, like the kitty.  🙂   I just hope enough people get out and vote whenever and wherever there are are elections, and get them out of office.  Please.

Tired Jean is tired.  Later.

It’s The Old Friday Five Again

1. Do you think you are treated differently because you are a man or woman?
**Absolutely.  I am ignored, condescended to, patronized.

2. Do men or women have it easier in our culture? Why do you think so?

**Men.  In most cultures, not just ours.  Even medicines are tested on men, things are designed by and for men, men are paid more for the same work, women are often treated as second-class citizens.  There are many ways the deck is stacked, but more women are standing up to make a difference, so there is hope.

3. Do you think girls are raised differently from boys? If so, in what ways?

**Again, absolutely. I think it is ingrained in us from the get-go, if not a genetic thing.  I even have noticed the difference in how I treated my male cat from my female cat. Girls are treated as more delicate creatures, needing to be looked after, boys are ‘toughened up’ and encouraged to be macho manly men. 
4. Do you think women should take men’s last names when they marry? Why or why not?
**I kind of like hypenated names, but who cares?  Do what makes you happy.

5. Do you think a woman will be President of the United States in the near future?

**I did once, but the way things have gone in this country the past few years, I’m not so sure anymore.  We are suffering the backlash from having a black man as president, can you imagine if it had been a woman?  Woman are not regarded the same as men, regardless of what we’d like to think. Some men (and some women, I’m afraid), would rather die than have a woman leading them.  Look at the military.

Forgot to Mention

that I seem to have gotten unstuck.  I loaded and ran the dishwasher and cleaned the sink  today.  Yay, me. Bought a BigMac while I was out and had that for dinner, though, so no cooking breakthroughs yet.

Also, plugged in piece of crap doorstop laptop and hit F11 a zilliion times at the same time.  Did NOT go into safe mode, but did start up correctly and is now working fine.  So far. Weird.  I tried doing F8 the other day, but that did nothing.  So now I  have two working laptops and the Macbook Pro that is also working.  All at the same time.  WooHoo.

My New Favorite Quote

From here: https://www.theroot.com/an-open-letter-to-the-white-couple-who-wrote-a-penn-sta-1838883364

“…you probably resemble a family pack of chicken leg quarters that was left in the trunk of a Honda Civic parked at an airport for a month.”

On another note, it is raining. Happy Jean is happy. Took Gertrude to vet today for another shot and deworming and whatever. She has gained an entire pound. One whole pound. I’m surprised she doesn’t burn off every single calorie she ingests, whilst running around like a madwoman for most of the day. But she is very healthy and they trimmed her nails, thank you dear vet people. Went to the pet store and bought some Bitter Apple spray, since putting citrus peels around did nothing to repel her from places I do not want her to be. Fingers crossed. Also bought a new carrier, one she cannot escape from, thank you very much, and a new toy. She also got several toys I ordered from Amazon. She has so much energy, I don’t want her to get bored and become even more destructive, so lots of toys is it. She likes them all, too. Even the cardboard box her food came in last week. It’s one of her favorites. The only free thing I have aquired for my very expensive ‘free’ kitty. LOL

Exhausted Jean is exhausted. But she’s so cute…the kitty, not Jean. 🙂

Well, Hello

It has been an interesting month, and it’s OCTOBER, my favorite month of the year. Cute kitty is cute, and unbelievably destructive. But cute.

I spend a lot of time exhausted from trying to keep her from breaking/shredding things or killing herself, and since I am better, have been going out a lot more than normal resulting in a lot of recovery time. Went to Westport, MA to see friend’s gorgeous new puppy, which he rescued from someone who was NOT taking care of it. They gave it up willingly. Had dinner and a fun evening at another friends, and she and I have gone out and about a lot more than usual. Meanwhile, I have developed some sort of executive function brain glitch in that, while I want to cook, I can’t, and I haven’t washed a dish or put a piece of clothing where it belongs, or picked up after the cat has wreaked havoc. Until today, when I did make a PF Chang thing that involved dumping in pan cooking ten minutes, and eating. I couldn’t even get myself to scramble an egg before now. Why?????

Then there are the computers. Old laptop is still slooow, but new piece of crap one, well…I try not to update, but one got by me, and now it will not boot. Thank you Windows. I get a black screen with a working cursor, which, after several minutes, changes to this:

Touching any key brings back the black screen.

Then there is Firefox and ‘kitty who walks on keyboard’ no matter how hard I try to stop her. She completely wiped Firefox while leaving it installed, among other feats of prestidigitation, and has now somehow duplicated all of my bookmarks. So many dupes that I had to find something to manage them which I did. It scanned,and is now, I hope, removing almost 130,000 (yes that’s correct) duplicates. It’s been a few hours and there are still nineteen thousand to go. Fun times, people. Really fun times. At least I have a backup computer. Lots of people don’t, I imagine. Microsoft has really gone to hell recently. Linux, anyone?