
>The stickies have arrived. Very humid today and yesterday. Still not much sun, however. This is a strange summer. We are about to break the record for the grayest June ever. I’ve had a headache off and on, I think it’s allergy related.

I’m looking for ideas for easy meals. Things not involving much prep. I tend to get tired in the middle and mess up things or try to skip steps, etc. I do a lot of ‘open box, eat contents’ type food. I really need some good ideas for easy but healthy things to eat. Anyone? What do YOU eat for breakfast? For lunch? For dinner?


>I like rain. I could even say I love rain. But even I am starting to think this is over the top. Has the sun shone in June? One or two days, tops, if I remember correctly. We are dank and water-logged in the Northeast. People are showing signs of winter SAD. It is gray, gray, gray every single day. Oh, I’m a poet. Cute. *giggle*

On the plus side, I have done just about every thing that I wanted to do in reorganizing and decluttering my space. I have some papers to sort through, but that’s it. Finally. It really feels good to have accomplished so much. I couldn’t have done it without the help of my friends, but it is done. Yay, me.

I was glancing through a blog roll on another site and one of them was about how chronic pain can be a blessing rather than a tragedy. I think I agree. A lot of us go through life on auto-pilot, not stopping to notice or consider. Life changing illness forces you to do both. You have to think of new ways to do the things you’ve always taken for granted. You become acutely aware of all the steps it takes to accomplish something you’ve done without thinking before becoming ill. Cooking is my big one, but there are lots of others. Getting going in the morning. Get out of bed, not always easy. Make the bed. Take the shower, which involves getting the towel, robe and slippers handy, doing the actual shower, drying off, tidying up, brushing teeth–with steps of its own–getting your clothing, getting dressed. Each one involves energy that you may not have, or pain that you cannot avoid. In a class I took once, we had to write down the steps to making a peanut butter sandwich for someone who had never done it. It starts with finding the bread. Think about it. There are so many steps–open the jar, find a knife, open the bread package, dip the knive and scoop up some peanut butter, and on and on. Every step uses up a bit of your precious energy, or causes some pain, or both.

Having to be aware on a second-by-second basis really makes you see your life in an entirely new way. It has made me much more appreciative of the things I can do, of the friends who help me, of the assistance provided to me by the elder services. It has made me grateful for my tv, for my pc, for my phone. I am not alone when I can reach out through the internet or a phone call. I am entertained without the major effort of leaving the house. A lot to be thankful for. A lot to consider. It’s a good thing over all, as most things that seem disastrous at first can turn out to be. What does everyone else think?

>It’s still gray and damp, but it was at least warm (and humid, ick) today. I was up all night and slept through most of it. Hooray. Went to Shine yesterday and got all the paperwork set up for Medicare. I have to pay a monthly premium. I don’t have enough expenses already? But I will be okay for health care and that’s a good thing.

I have gotten so much done recently as far as decluttering and organizing what’s left. I am trying to decide now if I want to use my futon as a full bed, or leave it in couch position and sleep on it that way, which is what I have been doing. I really like having so much space in the bedroom now. I may just leave it as it is. I am going to get rid of the dresser. I’ve emptied it and just have to call Sally Ann or someone to come and get it. Why do we have big furniture anyway? Do we really need it or is it just because that’s how it’s always been? I think modular furniture/Ikea type things are the way to go. It’s much easier to deal with and there isn’t as much space to clutter up. The top of the dresser has always been the place I put whatever I don’t know where else to put. Or something like that. *smile*

>Funny Article


I regularly read a site that loves number six.  Fortunately, if I click on ‘print’ on that page, it shows me the entire article on one page.  How clever.  Couldn’t they just set it up that way in the first place?  Nooooooo.  LOL  Here’s the link:  http://blogoscoped.com/archive/2009-06-12-n54.html

I am trying out a new (to me) Firefox extension.  Scribefire.  It allows you to post to your blog without actually having to open it.  Let’s see if it works. 


>Why can’t I reply to a comment? Why, why, why? Here’s my reply to the comment on the previous post.

“Last time I did stairs, once down and once back up cause elevator wasn’t working, I could barely walk for several days afterwards. And really, I attribute all my woes to illness, not age. The government, however, considers me ‘old’. What do they know? yomama”

>The Digital Revolution

>Today is the first day of all-digital tv, so I hooked up my little eight dollar antenna I bought a while back, and low and behold, I can get seventeen channels, including the ones I watch most. I plan to leave it hooked up for a bit and if I don’t miss anything, I am so dropping cable. It irks me to have to give them so much money when there’s so little to watch. Our local On-Demand has ‘F’ or even sometime ‘z’ movies. Forget ‘b’ movies, there are only a few of them. I’ll also dump the phone service, which I never really liked. If the power is out, or the modem goes off for some reason, there is no phone service. I have my cell, but a landline is still a good thing to have. So that’s my digital rant for today.

I admit to feeling a bit depressed lately. I’ve been in more than out, which is never a good thing, but also, I am struggling with wanting to do things for myself and not being sure if I can’t because I’m ill, or I’m just old. I used to ride the bus, but haven’t in a few years. Could I still manage it with some groceries or other shopping? Would the legs be too painful and give out from the fatigue, or would I build more strength by doing? When I first got sick, I had recently moved to a third-floor apartment. I remember thinking that my legs would get so strong from going up and down stairs, but instead, I was able to do less and less. I stopped buying heavy groceries like juice and milk because it was just too tiring to carry them up the stairs. I stopped doing my laundry at work because lugging it up and down stairs was too much for me. So now that I’m in worse shape in general, and also a good ten years older, what does that mean for me? Could I manage without my homemaker. Could I get around without my wonderful friend Tess who drives me everywhere? I don’t know, and it has been worrying me. Really, you have to have something to worry about, right? It’s the nature of the human being to worry, apparently. Oh, well. I’ll feel better about it all tomorrow. I hope.

>Oh, well

>Not feeling great today, so canceled Medicare thingy for the second time. Missed out on Coolatta and then lunch with Tess, too. Rats. But that’s the nature of being ill. Things change by the second, and sometimes I just can’t do what I need/want to do. So I read all my stuff, blogs and sites that I like, and am listening to some nice music, too. Finally something on tv tonight that will be watchable—Burn Notice and Royal Pains, which wasn’t bad at all. I thought it would be, but I actually enjoyed the first ep. I’m glad I’m not into the reality drek, but it would be something to watch. Just can’t bring myself to do it, though. Tv gets worse by the month, let alone by the season.


>I have to go see about which Medicare plan will work for me. There’s always something. Sign up for this, fill out that, choose this or that. The older or sicker you are, the more they want from you. Does that make sense? I think not. Brain fog makes decisions harder, thinking take longer, understanding virtually impossible on some days, and yet they want you to decide, think, understand more all the time. They ought to make you decide these things when you’re 25 or 30, when you’re brain is actually working. Assuming you haven’t already contracted one of the brain fog illnesses. I just want to be left alone, but life doesn’t work that way. Good thing I have a sense of humor.


>Here are sources I based my warning on. The last one has their TOS. I know my blog is nothing special, so I was really pleased when I got the initial email, thinking “Gee, someone must see something of value here, that I’m not aware of.” But I always research anything that comes along, and I’m glad I did. I don’t think more than four people–two of them my children–actually read my blog anyway. How valuable a resource can it be? You decide, dear readers.







>Beware of Wellsphere

>I’m getting seriously unhappy with Blogger.com. It won’t even let me reply to a comment on my own blog. I wanted to post in response to the lovely post from Hua@wellspring. You’ll have to read it here instead:

After Googling wellsphere, it seems it is a scam to get the copyright to your blog. So any bloggers, beware. Always check before signing up for anything. excentric