It’s a Hurricane

We are bracing for it, but I think we are far enough north of landfall to not be in too much trouble.  High winds, mostly.  I am as prepared as I can be, so I just plan to enjoy the weather.  In Rhode Island, people are already being evacuated in anticipation, since tomorrow is a full moon high tide, which will make things much worse for coastal areas.

Last year in October, we had an unusual snowstorm.  Heavy, wet snow that squashed some of the trees across the street like someone was standing on them.  Lots of trees around town had to be cut down after.  Then we had a ‘no winter’ winter.  Global warming.  It lives.

I really hope that everyone in at-risk areas comes through okay.  It’s fun when you’re relatively safe, but when you’re not…    Some shelters don’t take pets, either, so what happens to them?  Remember Katrina?  Guess that’s it for now.  Need to fill up some containers with water, just in case.  Charging everything that needs charging, too.  I have my Kindle, so if power goes out, I can still read.  I have books, too, of course.  Real ones, but I love my Kindle.  🙂


I just read this article about Alan Turing, the man who broke the Enigma Code.

Alan Turing

I’d already known about him and his life, but it still made me sad. Sad and angry and puzzled. If Jesus taught ‘love your neighbor as yourself’, why then does modern Christianity seem to preach only hate?. How then are they Christians? Christian implies New Testament. You know, Christians, followers of Christ?  Christianity seems to be all about selective reading of the Old Testament to find the things they can use to persecute people who are not like them. I am despondent, I’ve realized. I’ve seen very little in the local elections that tell me what the candidate stands for, hopes to achieve, wants to work on. I only see how awful the other candidate is. What is wrong with my country? I voted already via absentee ballot, so I am not watching the debates or anything else I can avoid relating to the election. But it’s hard to miss without completely going off the grid. It is really, really depressing, upsetting, frightening.

I know I am somewhat depressed because of the increased pain that decreasing the Prednisone is causing, but I didn’t really recognize how depressed I am over the stinking bag of shit my country has become. Pardon my French, which brings me to the question of why French? Why not pardon my Swedish, or my English, or my Yugoslavian, or even my Klingon? Anybody know?

So something that mildly cheered me follows:

‘Gay Gestapo’

Seriously, is this man just a complete freaking moron? Why yes. Yes he is.

Also, there is this:

Women For Romney?????
