It mentions a ‘small but vocal minority’, which Scholastic gave into, and that is the problem in this country right now, I think. A small but vocal minority are dictating what happens to the rest of us. Giving in to them seems to be the thing right now. Why? If you know they are a small minority, trying to foist their views on the rest of us, why do you allow it to happen? Why do you give in? Maybe it’ just that you share their views that only certain religions, certain takes on what is or isn’t moral or acceptable, certain hatreds for those who are not exactly like you. I don’t know. The squeaky wheel get the grease seems to be very true right now. The louder you are, the more likely you are to get your way. So the rest of us need to be loud, too. Even though it may go against the grain, it may be that we are more accepting of diversity, it may be that we just want to live and let live. But this tactic does not work. We have to speak up and be louder than those who want to impose their narrow view of life on all of us. We have to fight back. Speak up. Resist. Vote them out. Do SOMETHING! Please.


has returned. It is 79f right now. The next couple of days are forecast to be even warmer. We are days away from November. Fresh air is really nice, though.

My friend is coming over in a bit. Today is six weeks since the last time I saw her. First she and her husband got covid, he had foot pain, and it was an infection that turned out to be in the bone and he had surgery, and was hospitalized for several days and now has 3 antibiotic infusions daily. Slowly recovering, but her time has been filled with taking care of him. Will really be happy to see her. She insisted he go to the Er and it turns out that she actually saved his life, because if he had waited any longer, they would very likely not been able to save him. They told her it was almost too late when he came in, and they ‘had to act fast’. Scary. Don’t mess around, people. See a doctor.

I am better again, so that seems to prove that it’s one or a combo of the supplements I was taking that was the problem. I am just doing D3 and fish oil this week, and next week I will do D3 and B. I will wait to start combining more til I’ve gone through all of them to see if any one in particular is the problem.

I got ice cream today. Have not had ice cream in eons, as I’ve been trying to be really careful with my diet because of the diabetes type 2 diagnosis. I wanted a pint, but my homemaker got bars, which is better really. Measured doses of the sweet stuff. I got Haagen-Daz white chocolate raspberry. Oh, yum. That’s it for now. Wear your masks, people. Save a life. Masks are not only to protect you, they are to protect others in case you are infected and don’t know it yet. People with illnesses and compromised immune systems can die from COVID, so please, think of others even when you think you personally are immortal. 🙂


I think so anyway. You may not. I am taking some meds that are kind of bad for your stomach, so I quit taking my supplements, except for D3, which I take 2,000 IU twice a day. Been doing that for years and my doctors okay it. I almost never get outside so really need it. Anyway… Have been doing really well for me. Keeping up with dishes and getting minor things done here and there, a lot more active than normal. Then I suddenly was not doing so well again. This always happens, and I can never figure out why. Just the way of the chronic, debilitating illnesses Mother Nature has foisted upon me. But on thinking about it, I realized that it happened when I started taking the supplements again a few days ago. So yesterday I did not take them, and woke up today much better again. So now I am just going to add one every few days to see which it is that caused the problem. I take B vits, iron, fish oil, Centrum, and chewable calcium. Added back the fish oil today. We’ll see how that goes.

Another nice day. Window open, it is 69F according to my weather app. Liking the fresh air, but it is October, nearing November Mother Nature. Trees are finally turning, but the ones across the street, that did not bloom for the first time ever this spring, are looking odd. They must have been really damaged by the drought we had. I am fortunate to live where we haven’t really seen drastic effects of the climate debacle we have caused, and I cannot imagine how horrible it is for people who are in the middle of the effects. Fires, drought, floods. We are only at the beginning of the massive changes that are going to happen because of us. Migrations, because where people are will become virtually uninhabitable. Insects and diseases where they did not exist before. The warmer it gets, the more these things will travel northward. No frosts to kill things, they will become year round pests instead of seasonal. Already allergy season is lasting longer, and soon will just be year round as well. We did this. We caused this. The people who benefit from tragedy, the people who only care about profit, they will tell you this is so much idiocy. It is not. I only have to look out my window to see the changes that have happened in the 23 years I have lived here. We were warned decades ago, and choose to ignore those warnings because hey, it’s the future. I only care about right now. Well, the future turns into today before you know it, and it’s too late to change it then.

This is from here: And remember, it is major corportations who are doing the damage, not people using plastic straws. Although plastic is a blight on the planet in general. But it is corporations that put it out there. Soda used to come in glass. Milk used to come in glass. So many things used to come in glass or paper and now almost everything comes in plastic. Even the sleeves crackers come in are now plastic. Why? They took away our ability to choose in many instances. It’s plastic or nothing. Blame the right people.

Wear your masks. Covid is not over. I have friends who can attest to that from current experience.


Had coffee day before yesterday. Awake til 7:30am, slept til 9:30am, pretty useless all day. No coffee. Went to sleep pretty early for me last night, and awake around 7am. Had coffee pretty early today, so will see what happens with sleeping tonight. If I have to quit coffee altogether, I will miss it. The coffee I am having right now is also half decaf and half regular. I mixed them together. I just have weird body chemistry.

Another gray day. Yesterday it was five weeks since I’ve seen my friends or anyone except the homemaker for a couple hours a week, and the guys who fixed the ceiling in the bathroom. Good thing I am used to being alone. Me and the cat. BTW, the ceiling had about a quarter size spot with a smaller one next to it, where the leak was that the plumber fixed. For this, the housing inspector failed the inspection. No one came to fix it, so when another inspector came back to check, they failed it again. OMG. A teeny spot on the ceiling. You would not believe. The stopped paying their share of the rent to the landlord, and told him that they have advised me to move (they did not), and what an unbelievably huge deal for a tiny spot on the ceiling. So now he is not getting paid until another inspector comes to see that the spot is painted over. Bureaucracy! Or give people a little power and they go insane. I had to call my caseworker, who apparently only works two days a week, and the person who sent the letter, who also was not available to speak to. I left messages to both of them to say the spot is fixed and please send an inspector to check it. The landlord also called them and had to leave messages.

And another thing. (Apparently, getting up early gets me riled up. LOLOL) Amazon. When I sign in, I get an email AND a text. I used to get a text when something was delivered, after they stopped delivering to my door that is, but no more. I would rather be notified that I had a package, than that I signed in. I know I signed in. I was there. I did it. The richer the (insert disparaging word here) gets, the worse the service gets. Greed, greed, greed. How much money do you need? I mean, all those rich old white men WILL die at some point, and all the money on the planet cannot save them, so why are they hoarding it all? Humanity. We need some serious retooling, I think.


Couple of wows. I have gotten up at 7:30 two days in a row. WTF??? That’s normally the middle of the night.

The other wow? Had my homemaker get me some Ruffles chips yesterday with the rest of the shopping. Six dollars, count them, six, for a small bag of Ruffles. Going to make chips in the air fryer from now on. Six dollars. Price gouging is real, people. Thanks to the Elephant party, the one the orange disgrace belongs to, price gouging is just fine. Corporate greed is running rampant, and I don’t know how people with kids are surviving, even without ever buying a six dollar bag of chips.


Here is a quote from this newsletter I get.

“Interestingly, what people go through with chronic pain has been compared to modern methods of torture, which typically includes both inflicting pain and imposing sleep deprivation.”

I totally agree. Dr. Teitelbaum is an expert in Fibromyalgia. I once had a quite long email exchange with him about my illness, initiated by him when I signed up for a free program on his site. No charge, no trying to sell me anything, just talking about my symptoms and giving advice. I was very pleased and impressed. Anyway, the newsletter:

Sometimes mine is a 2, but rarely. Sometime it is a 9, not as rarely. Mostly it is somewhere in between and can vary daily or even hourly. It is never, ever a zero. Never. I am never pain-free, and meds only make it more tolerable, never cause it to go away. If this is not torture, what is? But it’s your own body torturing you. Life is fun.


A sunny day. It has been gray, gray, gray. Also warm and humid. Ick, Mother Nature. It’s October, you know. It is 59f now. Yay.

I have been doing not horribly awful,and have sorted papers and misc in three small boxes. I may have mentioned when it gets overwhelming, too much stuff on the table or wherever, I shove it in a box to sort later. Sometimes later takes quite awhile, thus three boxes. Actually there are two more, but one is old laptops and things, and the other is I have no idea but it is quite large and piled high, between the table and the end table, and has become a surface of its own. Yes, I have a weird life.

Not my boxes. Obviously.

Here’s something good to do, I think:


I got up at noon. Noon. I was very out of it yesterday, so much have been over-tired for whatever reason. Guess I needed the sleep. Another nice day. It is 73 f. It’s early in the month, though. The first October we lived here, 1968, a friend and I took my oldest DD trick-or-treating and almost froze, it was so cold. Weather has certainly changed since then, in spite of what the climate change deniers want you to believe. No more three days of slow rain, no more feet-deep snows. Not much snow at all anymore. Very sad.

Here’s a picture I found of properly roasted brussels sprouts, too, in case anyone cares. 🙂 Not a great picture, and these were done in an air-fryer, not an air-fryer toaster oven like I have, or in an actual oven in an iron skillet like I did before I got the air-fryer toast oven thingy. Which I love, by the way. But they almost looked burnt and ruined, but believe me, they are not.

It is quarter past one, and I am having morning coffee. Ha. Which I will regret, because I will be awake most of the night again, and the homemaker is due at 9am tomorrow. In the morning. 9 am in the morning. LOLOL I do not do morning well, people. Not even.


Neil Gaiman: ” If you really can’t figure out which political party or which politician to vote for, just ask if they’re on the side of libraries. Are they voting to fund their libraries? Are they voting to keep them free? Then vote for those guys. They’re probably the good guys. And by the same token, the book burners, the book banners, they’re probably the bad guys.”

This is mine. Right up the street from me. There is a fireplace and nice places to sit and read. Way back when, we lived right next door, and one time my youngest daughter and her friend, both around 3 or 4 years old, went missing, and I found then in the library, sitting at a table looking at books. Librarian said they just walked in, grabbed a couple books and sat themselves down. She knew who they were, of course, and was going to call just as I turned up. My DD is still a reader. So is her older sister. Books and the love of reading them is one of the best gifts you can give your children. Do not let them abolish libraries. They want us to be ignorant and under educated, because the ignorant and under educated are much easier to manipulate. Vote Blue. Please.