What I know to be true today that I didn’t know 4 years ago

I have learned these as well. You can’t fix any body else’s life. You can’t change anybody else, you can only change how you let the affect you. How you react.
It’s okay to say no, even if they get angry or upset. Their feelings are not your responsibility.
Hard won lessons, but true ones.
This is a fav blog. Check it out. I have never reblogged that I can remember, so don’t know how this is going to work out. Oh, the excitement. LOL

Cooking in Cowboy Boots

“We all have an unsuspected reserve of strength inside that emerges when life puts us to the test” – Isabelle Allende

Isn’t that the truth? Over the years, I’ve been blessed to have some great mentors, teachers, family & friends, cheerthat taught me some important lessons about life. Not to mention some hardships and challenges that have shaken and tried to break me, but the last 4 years have been the most relaxing, self-reflecting, sometimes rocky, life changing and possibly some of the most impactful years of my life (particularly the years since being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis). With each year that goes by since being on long term disability, I find that I am learning more and more about myself. And yes, sometimes it’s been hard both on me and on the people I love. But, here’s the thing, I am wiser today than I was 4 years ago…

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It’s Christmas.  Hope whatever holiday you celebrate at this time of year, it’s a very happy and fun one for you, filled with friends, family, and love.  I watched The Snowman last night and ate taralli cookies that my friend Tess made for me.  It was good.  I love The Snowman.  It’s from the book by Raymond Briggs.  Check it out if you’ve never seen it.  Miss G and I are just chilling, listening to Christmas music and I’m having coffee and cinnamon rolls.  She is wreaking havoc, as is her wont.  It’s a good day.



I frequently have my homemaker walk the half a block to the post office if I need my rent mailed or whatever.  Fine.  Today’s fill-in refused.  So I called the agency and apparently walking a half block to the post office is beyond their job description.  I’m a little bit frustrated here.  This December is not going well at all.  At. All.  Bah.  Also, humbug. 🙂

Miss G

We have lost the collar completely.  The only way to keep it on  her was to tie it very tightly and possibly strangle her, so no collar.  She does not seem to be licking her stitches, though, so maybe she just doesn’t need it.  The pain/sedative thing still only knocks her out for a short time, then she is back to Crazy Kat.  Cramming it down her throat is fun, too, if getting bitten and shredded is your idea of fun.  She seems just as fine as can be, so good doctor at the vets.

I am struggling, as always.  Another Christmas alone, no Christmas dinner cause I am too weak and tired to cook, no decorations up because Gertrude, just another day.  This is always the case, but I’m finding it harder this year, probably because I have not recovered from being sick this month, and it’s looking like it’s going to a while before I do, if I do. But I am listening to Christmas music, and enjoying the sunny day from my windows, and Miss G is actually sleeping at my feet, if only because I  have my little heater fan on right there.  We love my little heater fan.  Yes.  Yes we do.

Not much to say, so happy almost Chrismas Eve, everyone.


Picked Gertrude up from the vet.  ‘She will be sleepy and will probably sleep all night.’  She had the collar off before we were halfway home, in the crate.  How did she even do that?  Took both of us to get it back on, because she was fighting like we were trying to murder her.  She has just been running around, jumping on everything, being her usual crazy self.  Sleepy?  HA!  And if she gets the collar off again, no way can I get it back on by myself.  No. Way.  I can’t call Tess at 4am to come over and help me get it back on.  OMG people.  OMG  She has to have it on for two weeks.  Two. Weeks.  And keep her quiet?  Seriously?  OMG OMG OMG

Miss G

Went to the vet this morning at 8am to be spayed. Poor baby.  Will be coming home with a collar and sedatives.  They are going to give me extra sedatives for a few days longer than normal because she is so hyper-active, and we want her to heal completely before going insane again.  Hope it goes well.  Am getting her chipped, too.  She is strictly an indoor cat, but who knows what the future holds, so better to be proactive.  I miss her and it’s only been two hours.  I was up at 7am.  In the morning.  OMG  it is the middle of my night, usually.  It was only 16 degrees out, too, so brrrr.  Sunshine, though, so that’s good. Sunshine is nice.  🙂

Watching tv with me.Watchingtv120719

Sick Jean Has Been Sick

Soooo sick.  I never get sick.  I have fibro-related issues, but actual getting sick almost never happens.  I had food poisoning a couple of years ago (never buying those nice little pre-made salads again), but an actual cold, it’s been decades.  Caught it from my homemaker.  I tell them, please don’t come if you’re sick, but they need (paltry) income so…..

Why is it the people who do the worst jobs get the least pay?  Cleaning up after someone else, doing their laundry and shopping and bathroom cleaning are such valuable services when you need them, those who do them should be paid well, but nope.  Our priorities are so screwed.  Zillions to play football, but teach your children?  Really, what is that worth? Nurse you when you’re in hospital?  Duh!  We value the wrong things, I think.

Anyway, nearly two weeks on the couch, barely breathing,  and I am finally starting to feel a bit more human.  Can’t seem to shake the chest congestion, so breathing is still not great, but better in general.  Had the window open night before last, it was nearly 60 yesterday, today it is in the 30’s and snowing.

I have a zillion emails to probably delete without reading, but there may be a necessary something in there, so have to look through them.  Did manage to watch some tv after the first week of just sleeping and reading a bit on the kindle  Watched some of The Crown.  Somebody does not like the royals at all.  The only person even vaguely presented in a not completely negative light is Prince Charles.  And the person who portrayed The Queen in the first two seasons portrayed her as the most vapid, one-expression (vacant), cold, cruel, insensitive, easily manipulated, unintelligent person ever.  I have always admired Elizabeth, and I refuse to believe that this is an accurate portrayal of her.  See seems to not care about anything or anybody and just robotically did whatever ‘the moustaches’ told her to do.  I gave up on it after the visit to David and Wallis.  Ick.  He was a Nazi collaborator, and they made it seem like she was fine with that.  The real reason I even started on it was I wanted to see the Aberfan episode.  I remember reading about that at the time, and how unbelievably horrible and heartbreaking it was.  It almost seemed like they toned it down in the show, making it less horrible that it was.  Even then, I almost couldn’t watch it, because it affected me so much at the time, even here in the US just reading about it. The other thing that was weird (to me) in the show was twice they showed Philip brushing his teeth.  A valet standing in front of him with a tray with everything needed, Philip brushing and spitting into a bowl on the tray and good grief.  Do they not have bathroom sinks in England? I just couldn’t get over how disgusting that must be for the poor guy stuck holding that tray.

It’s nearly Christmas.  Can’t put up my little fiber-optic tree this year, because you know Gertrude will have that destroyed in the first five minutes.  She ruins everything.  Seriously.  Miss Destructo.  I’m hoping that getting spayed will calm her down a bit.  I hope.  But then she sleeps practically sitting on my face.  How can you not love that?  LOL

It’s kind of not good when doing a bit of typing tires you out, but I really have been quite ill, so I envision a long and slow recovery.  Fun times. Later, dear readers.