There is just so much going wrong, in my state, in my country, on my planet. Our planet. Your planet. The only home we have.

Here is Massachusetts, there is serious violence in Brockton schools. Teenagers are running wild and being destruction in Saphora stores. What the heck is Saphora? Not a store I am aware of, but kids running wild in any context is not a good thing.



Apparently, young people are becoming more and more destructive and unruly and belligerent. I get that. Look at the world we have given them. Look at the prospects they have for a future. Religious fanatics taking over their country, rich white men keeping all the wealth and robbing them of even a hope for a decent life with enough food, shelter, etc. So many countries on the planet going the same way. Global warming, whether you can see it is real or not, is happening as we speak, and kids see that the world we knew is not the world they are going to live in as adults. It is already not the world I lived in for most of my life. I would be acting out, too. We need to come up with solutions, and ways to give hope to the generations coming up. But no. We are too absorbed by greed to care about anything but making more money. Profit is the only thing that matters, it seems. I do not know how to fix this.

And I can sit here and watch my favorite tv show, enjoying my snacks, petting my cat, being safe and warm and sheltered, while at the exact same moment, people are being massacred in Palestine. And not only in Palestine. Other countries are suffering the same fate. Genocide is occurring at the same moment I am laughing at a tv show. How do I cope with this? How do I integrate the knowledge that some of my fellow humans are seemingly gleefully murdering other fellow humans? Making videos of cooking and eating the food left in the houses of the people they have just murdered. How does anyone deal with this? We seem to have regressed as a species to something that should have sunk into the mud and vanished eons ago.

We have serious problems with the climate. Once the earth warms to a not-life-sustainable for humanity level, none of the crap people are doing to one another is going to matter in the least. Survival will be all, which again will just engender more genocide, because we always fight over resources, instead of coming up with ways to help all of us. Instead of working to change what we are still doing that is causing the global warming in the first place. No, it’s everything for me and to hell with the rest of you. Humans do not seem to know how to work together for the common good. Look at those rich white men who have more wealth that they could possibly ever need even if they were immortal. Do they use it to better their fellow humans? Any other life on this planet? Nope, they hoard it and work to get more and more. They are the embodiment of Scrooge in his vault playing in his money. I keep telling myself not to care about any of this, because I cannot do anything about it so why just make myself miserable. But children are being denied food and health care and women are being relegated to second-class citizens with no rights yet again, and people are being persecuted because of their skin color or who they love or just because they have no money, mostly through no fault of their own. Because whole populations are being murdered indiscriminately right now, this very second, and how can I ignore these things and still call myself a human being? I just want to give up. But I cannot allow myself to do that without destroying my very being.


Concurring with the majority opinion, Chief Justice Tom Parker wrote: “Even before birth, all human beings have the image of God, and their lives cannot be destroyed without effacing his glory.”

From here:https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68366337

I believe religion is not meant to be part of government, and passing laws based on a particular religion, which not all citizens belong to, is especially offensive. How is this even allowed to happen?

Couple quotes from OMG Barry Goldwater. DuckDuckGo him if you have no idea. Even people we don’t like can sometimes have good opinions.

“The specter of single-issue religious groups is growing over our land. … One of the great strengths of our political system always has been our tendency to keep religious issues in the background. By maintaining the separation of church and state, the United States has avoided the intolerance which has so divided the rest of the world with religious wars.

Barry Goldwater

When you say “radical right” today, I think of these moneymaking ventures by fellows like Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take the Republican Party away from the Republican Party, and make a religious organization out of it. If that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye.

Barry Goldwater

Unfortunately for the rest of us, they seem to have succeeded. This is very bad for our country, people. We do not need an American version of the Taliban. It matters that you vote. It especially matters who you vote for. Vote Democrat. Please. Biden is not perfect, but OMG he is so much better than the other democracy-destroying choice. Unless of course you think living under religious rule is a good thing, in which case, maybe consider moving to a country that already does that and leave ours alone.


Everything connected to the internet; laptop, phone, firestick, is so so so slow recently. For a month or more. And getting slower. Is this because I have a discount price due to being poor? Is something up with the router? I have reset it, but it did not help. So anyway, i did some speed tests. Here are the results. I just did them all, just now, one right after the other.

spectrum says 223 and 371 Next one says 403 and 421 VERIZON says 907 and 942. Surprise, surprise. Verizon is my provider. And I cannot crop the pictures, or get rid of them, so replaced them with my own brand of ‘OMG, this country is such a disaster.’

So here is my disaster of a post for today. It is not going well people. Not going well at all.


From Tumblr. Like any of this ever happens. Not in my experience, anyway. And a new homemaker just showed up. Was unaware she was coming, because the agency never tells me anything. Oh, well. No mask, no gloves. That is just not on so now she is wearing a mask and gloves. Sheesh! 


Doesn’t matter a whit, but I am watching ‘Julia’ on Max. I love Julia Child. I learned a lot watching her show. I even made her French Onion soup. Once. Caramelizing onions is NOT a quick and easy task, regardless of what today’s youtube videos tell you It takes a LONG time. Anyway, Julia. Here is her in real life, on The French Chef tv show. A tall, slim woman. 

Here she is as portrayed by Sarah Lancashire, an actress I actually like, on MAX.

Personally, I find this offensive. They try to replicate her high voice, badly, and made her seem kind of ditzy at points. I don’t know. I am watching it all the while I am hating the portrayal of an icon who taught zillions of us how to cook. Just saying.

Also, we are having a SNOWSTORM. Winter still exists here in New England, thank goodness. Here is the tree across the street last night, looking like it is budding. It’s not even the middle of February, Mother Nature. Sheesh!

And here is today.


Ex-homemaker had to take her mom to hospital, so did not come yesterday. And I have been in a lot of pain again, and it suddenly occurred to me this morning that since I rarely go out anymore, I had completely forgotten about recovery days, that happen after I have been out and about or done a lot around the house. Which almost never happens anymore. But anyway, it is a normal part of fibro, and I just forgot. My friends are coming over today with a few groceries I needed and will take out the trash for me. Yay for good friends. Then I need to load the dishwasher and wash my water bottles in it, and hopefully have enough energy to make fish chowder, which once you have peeled and diced the potatoes is a really easy process. I like soup. Have not made fish chowder in years, and my friend went to the Union Oyster House in Boston the other day and had the chowder, which she loved,and that got me thinking about making it. So there. :)

Not my chowder, haven’t made it yet.


Bad night. Lots of pain. More, but different pain today. Do not think it’s related to the MRI, just the walking and whatever involved in a day out, which I don’t get to do very often. But ow. I have had pain at the 10 level. Not fun. At all.

Ex-homemaker is coming today, working for me, not the agency. Just for an hour to vac and take the trash out and all. The agency has totally messed up everything. First, my homemaker was scheduled so poorly that there is no room left for me and a couple other clients. New homemaker was meant to come Wednesday and Friday, but asked to change Friday to Thursday because MRI Friday. She did not come either day. My caseworker spoke to them and it seems she quit and they were unaware. So they told caseworker that they would call me about a new person starting next week. Getting ready to go out yesterday when the buzzer goes. Twice. I do not buzz people in if I am not expecting anyone. Immediately get a phone call and it is the agency saying the new homemaker is outside. I told you I have an MRI today. Twice. Oh, yes, I remember, she says. So is this the new homemaker and when will she come next week? Oh, she is a fill-in, I will ask if she wants to do an hour or so next week for you, she says. She told my caseworker a new person will start next week. Blatant lie, it seems. Caseworker says all the agencies are like this now. So I am possibly left without a homemaker again. Sheesh. AND I got a letter saying that since I got a social security raise, my SNAP benefit is being cut by 20 %. My soc sec increased by 3.2 % if I calculated correctly. Once, I wound up with less money over all after soc sec went up. They recalculate my portion of the rent and it did not go well for me that year. Your government is NOT your friend. I get discount internet because old and poor, and the government funding for that is about to expire, because those rich old white men in the government really need that money more than I do. Or you do. You read about other countries, and what they do for their citizens, even the not old and poor ones, and you realize how badly we are treated in this country. The rich make the rules, which always means less for us and more for them. Vote blue. Biden is old, but he is not evil. He does at least attempt to make life better for us. Trump only wants to make life better for himself. Vote blue. There, I said it again. :)


Had it done today. Not bad. Took awhile, as they injected me with something part way through and did more whatever an MRI does. Had ear plugs and head phone type noise blockers. Did not seem to take as long as it did, either, so that was good. Will find out tomorrow or Monday what the results show. I had an MRI way back when I first got sick, because they thought I had something it turned out I did not have, instead it was Fibromyalgia, but the MRI showed lesions on my brain which indicate MS, but I don’t have that. Am interested to see if they are still there or more or bigger or what. Also interested to see if it shows a reason for the pain I get on one side of my head. I’m having it cause the ear doctor said when they did the test, something seem odd on the left side. So after years of telling doctors that something is wrong in my head and getting the brush off, finally an MRI.  Machine was something like this. I am not claustrophobic and keep my eyes closed the entire time, so it is not at all an unpleasant experience. Was actually pretty comfortable. 

Close up of patient head in MRI scanner vector illustration sketch hand drawn with black lines, isolated on white background. Medical concept.

Was a nice day. Needed a light coat, but sunny and not a cloud in the sky. Great to have that after eons of gray days. Got my new socks today, too. So cute. 

And OMG, this is a turtle.

Alligator turtle

Had to take my mask off for the MRI, but that’s life. Be safe, though, people, and wear yours. Save a life.