While I was looking for something cute to illustrate that, I came across this instead. Oh, how many times I could have used this.

I am looking for a lightweight stick vac I can use to pick up the detritus Miss G leaves after eating her treats (Treats have crumbs? Who Knew?) and other things. The only one that seems to fit the bill (weighs 2.6 lbs) is teal. Ewwww. My regular vac weights 15.6 lbs. But….. I am also trying to eat lunch, make a shopping list for Target to deliver, and a few other things I can’t think of right now.

Oh, and I am listening to my Bleed Radio station on Pandora. I love Bleed Radio and my Caramelldansen station. ‘Makes you want to jump around the room’ music. I can’t do that, but I can jump around in my little office chair. Works for me.

I just got an update on my new Samsung 23FE. I love, love, love this phone. The camera actually catches the colors of the sky that my Moto never did.

Neat. The voice recorder app will now convert to text, too. Oh, happy day. As they say somewhere or other.

I have had a very good week in general. My caseworker came and brought me a bag of goodies Goodies is a relevant term, I think. It is covid tests, a bottle of water, a tiny bottle of hand sanitizer, a cloth mask, and some latex (?) gloves. We had a nice chat, too. She never comes any more, it’s all done by phone since the pandemic, so I was happy to see her.

and my ratty green table that I love

Thursday, my friend Tess brought a charger to see if it fits my Dell, but no. I can’t find the one that goes to it anywhere, so it works but the battery won’t charge. It is soo sloooow, too, but it was before the battery thing, which is why I replaced it originally. It was nine years old last month, coincidentally. I figured it out by looking when the BIOS was installed, because I bought it brand new way back when. It came with 8, and I immediately updated to 10, so I never even saw 8, which I am pretty happy about. I still miss 7, but 10 is like a thousand times better than 11 so happy Jean is happy. Anyway, I was hoping to walk up the street a bit, but it was raining, as usual.

Anyway, while Tess was here, my friend Beth called and wanted to visit. Yes, please. We all sat around and talked, mostly about me and my issues because therapist said I need to do that. Trying to explain living with Asperger’s (yes, I know that is no longer PC, but I am not ready to say I have autism) is fun. After Tess went home, Beth and I went to dinner at our local Irish Pub, run by actual Irish folks from actual Ireland. Fish and chips anyone? And Guinness. I do love me some Guinness.

Then yesterday around 4:30, the homemaker service we just fired called me to set up a new homemaker, like I had never been a client. Different person than before so I just set it up and then called my caseworker, who was as surprised as I was. It’s another guy, putting himself through school or something. Fingers crossed. It has been nothing but one hassle and disaster after another with this agency, but some help is better than no help.

It is again gray, gray, gray. The past couple of months have been like February in New Hampshire. The sun just never shone there, and it seldom does here lately. And so much rain. I like rain, but this is getting ridiculous.

Back around to my beloved Dell. Does anyone have any ideas about how to speed it up? I have scanned, finagled, removed tons of stuff, but nothing works. It can take several minutes to load a page. Very frustrating. It is so well-made, so much better than the newer laptops I have bought in the interim, and I just want to be able to use it like I used to. Any help at all would be appreciated. Should I take it to a repair person? Is there some secret setting I don’t know about? Something must work. I hope.

Oh, and going to dinner with Beth was the second time we’ve gone to dinner the past couple of months and I did not wear a mask either time. I have had my shot, and am getting braver (or more careless). I think it will be bad news if I get covid in spite of the shot, but I want to enjoy my life as much as I can, so…….

That’s it. Done rambling for today. Stay safe people and enjoy your lives as much as possible. They are very short, after all.