This is a Reuben Sandwich. I love Reuben Sandwiches, but prefer darker rye, And I hate pickles.

“Later, sandwiches become sweeter, Enderwick says, with sugar added to bread and sauces. ‘That was part of the plan by companies to sell more.’” Haven’t I always been saying this? Sugar is addictive and in the U.S. it is added to everything so you will buy more. Other countries do not put sugar in everything. I have read comments from visitors from other countries that say our bread is more like cake. We are all about the profit in this country. For shame. Quote is from here:

Last night I spent two hours, two, texting with my family, two daughters, one grandson. OMG During which I learned that there is speech to text, and it is amazing because I just cannot type on the stupid phone keyboard. Of course, it gets what I say wrong a lot of the time, but it was so funny. At one point I was laughing so hard I could not read the screen. My grandson is super snarky. He got it from me. My friend Tess says I am the Master of Snark. Yay, me. We are all very funny, too. Also got that from me. 🙂

There is also a little voice recorder so you can speak your text and they can hear you. How cool is that. It’s been there on my Moto all the time, but I never noticed it, but grandson pointed it out to me on my Samsung. I love that phone. Seriously. But I also discovered that you can make long recorded notes or whatever. As long as you want, and then supposedly can send them to people. I am recording what I remember of my life. My oldest daughter asked me to. It’s amazing what I remember, but I think that is partly because my friend Ed asks me the most bizarre questions and most of them spark a memory about something.. Who would even think to ask if I had a pet snake growing up in Colorado. Did I ever see a porcupine in person? Do I like Chef Boyardee? Ewwww. I don’t remember ever having canned pasta. Ick. But really unusual questions. There is a lot of laughing. Laughing is good. But who knew you could do that on your phone? I googled tape recorders and came across the info somewhere. It uses the Voice Recorder app. Free. Free is good. Just so you know.

See the little microphone. Click it.

It is gray, gray, gray again. And raining. Yet again. Wettest year in a long time. Good thing I like rain, and live on high ground AND on the second floor. First floor, if you’re British. LOL

Oh, here is a picture of my full-spectrum bulbs. They are too big to put the cover on the light fixture, which I think would negate the full-spectrum-ness anyway. I would have done a picture of my desk, but it lives under a mountain of paperwork and stuff at the moment. Oh. well. 🙂