Been advised to get with it and write something. So. Tried a new med, which I think is generic Cymbalta. It is used for pain as a secondary thing, so doctor advised me to ‘stop being afraid of side-effects’ and just try it. Well, I am the one who gets the side effect every time, but decided to brave it. Nope. First pill, I was awake for almost two days. Waited a few days, second pill awake but not as long, but my blood pressure sky-rocketed. I could feel my head throbbing. Have a cuff bp thing and at one point it was 200 over 190. Not sure exactly how accurate the thing is, but the next day it had gone back to 127 over I forget what, 80 something I think. Not taking that one again. I do tell my doctor that if the odds of getting a side-effect are a million to one, I will be the one. I once took a sleep aid that made me hyper, like being on speed, which I inadvertently took once because it was prescribed by my doctor at the time. He did not mention it was speed and I forget why he prescribed it but it was a very interesting experience. Got a lot done, too. Anyway, it did not help me get to sleep. Duh.

So felt lousy for a few days, because I do feel lousy a lot, then had some stomach issues with pain and everything going through me. Four days of that. On the bright side, I lost ten pounds. In the meantime, my new homemaker came. I get a different homemaker almost every time lately. Worst agency ever. Anyway, sent him to store for four (4) items. He did not return. Was kind of freaking out after an hour and a half, he has my security door and mailbox keys, I will have to call the landlord, what if he’s in an accident, should I call the police, what???? Did call the agency but can only leave messages. Someone called me back (wow) and she could tell me when he got here, when he left for the store, but not where he is at this moment. And then he showed up. IDEK. He said the store did not have everything I wanted so he went to another store. But the receipt is from the store I sent him to and he got all the items and paid two hours after he left here. ??? He is very nice though. But then yesterday I was assured he was to come at 11:30 but he had not shown up at 1pm so I called the agency. I should have called to tell then he was late. No, because every time, you say person will come at such and such a time, but when they arrive however much later, their schedule is completely different than what you said. Frustration. Anyway so no homemaker so far this week, hoping he will actually show up tomorrow. Also had to cancel my organizer person because of being sick earlier in the week.

Then, my laptop has stopped loading the screen. It loads half way and then has a bunch of vibrating lines and the bottom half is black. Unplugged, let sit a couple days, no change. Cannot remove battery like used to do with older laptops. Looked up fixes, none of which worked. Cranked up the old HP, which is what I am using now. So small, but as soon as I signed in and it brought up win10, I just gave a huge sigh of relief. I hate win11 with a passion, so am very happy to be using win10 again.

THEN my phone has stopped holding a charge for more than half a day or so. Ordered a new phone from Samsung that I had seen in Best Buy but didn’t get at the time. Excitement. Got an email they cancelled the order because of some issue with my info, even though my credit card authorized the charge. Waited a week, order again. Same thing. Wound up ordering it from Walmart, which was a pain in itself. Really hope it lives up to my expectations after all that. Supposed to be delivered Saturday. My friend will bring it over Sunday if it does show up. I have things sent to her house because packages are just dumped in the outer lobby with not even a buzz to let you know. And they get stolen. So everything goes to her house.

On the other hand, the trees are working on blooming, it is in the low 60’s, and a beautiful day. And I am not feeling too bad today, either. So yay. That’s all.

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