16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?

fresh pasta

Just one?  I’m rather fond of broccoli pasta, which is pasta of choice, steamed broccoli florets, sauteed garlic, toasted pine nuts, and loads of grated Parmesan.  Or chicken and prosciutto tortellini and veg (or not) cooked in chicken broth.  Or seeded and cubed ripe tomatoes (or halved cherry tomatoes), chopped garlic, chopped basil, olive oil, which have sat around together in a bowl while you cook fettuccine. Toss, maybe drizzle on some balsamic and grate on some Parmesan, but neither is necessary.  Bet those little mozzarella balls would go good here, too, but have not tried it yet.  Or, white lasagna with no meat, just cheeses.  Yum.  I used to love Papa Gino’s Fenway pasta, but they don’t make it anymore.  Papa Gino’s sucks now.  Their pizza is crap.  Oh, and the restaurant across the street has great penne in pink vodka sauce, and lobster ravioli in amaretto sauce that is divine.  I had way too much bad spaghetti in meat sauce to ever want to eat that again, although I am kind of thinking about a bolognese sauce recipe I’ve read about.  Maybe.  Someday.  If you’ve never made you own pasta and had it sooooo fresh, you don’t know what you are missing, btw.

Still feeling like crap.  Pain, pain, and more pain.  And fatigue.  Serious bouts  of black, black depression.  Missing, missing, missing my Gertrude.  But overall, I am doing pretty well.  Not lethargic, enjoying life in spite of the depression episodes, trying to remember my motto of Never Give Up, Never Surrender.  I’ll fight til they carry me off the battle field.  And it’s supposed to cool off and dry out later.  Hooray.  Had the a/c on for three days now, I think.  And nights.  Ewww.

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